Des lieux dédiés à la recherche multidisciplinaire sur des thématiques liées à l'humanité, l'éthique, la philosophie, la science, l'énergie et la gestion de la terre, etc. Ils concentreront un nombre important de chercheurs, inventeurs et visionnaires actuellement isolés, sans ressources et à grands potentiels qui sont uniquement guidés par le bien réel de l'humanité
Des lieux dédiés au tourisme éducatif (ils créeront un divertissement de qualité, un apprentissage et une expérience de la créativité pour des clients de tous âges: familles, individus, petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises, écoles, universités, consultants, personnalités publiques et groupes d'intérêts spéciaux)
Des lieux dédiés au tourisme scientifique-
Des lieux dédiés au tourisme écologique, équitable, social et solidaire, agricole, de bien-être et de ressourcement-
Des lieux dédiés au tourisme d’affaire (pour des réunions, des salons, des expositions et des sommets ou se mêlent subtilité d'esprit et intelligence du cœur)
Des lieux dédiés à l'échange et à la mise en place, de manière participative, d'accords et de projets sur la manière d’administrer éthiquement et durablement les affaires du mondeL’association « LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV » est le cerveau du programme.
- Je conceptualise / conçois des projets sociétaux et environnementaux innovants / transformateurs aux niveaux régional, national et transnational
Je réalise les spécifications techniques / développe les solutions principales-
Je recherche des communes contributrices dont les retours sur investissements seraient la copropriété des infrastructures, le rayonnement et les bénéfices commerciaux. Ces contributions s’inscriraient dans leurs dépenses d’investissement. Des contrats opérationnels seraient établis entre le think-tank et les communes. Celles-ci formeraient alors des Syndicats Intercommunaux ou des Groupements d’Intérêt Économique (G.I.E.) afin de mutualiser l’investissement.
Je conçois, organise et planifie :
- des événements de coopération artistique transnationaux pour véhiculer l’essence des projets
- des évènements de coopération intellectuelle transnationaux pour développer les solutions techniques suivant les spécifications techniques

Places dedicated to multidisciplinary research on topics related to humanity, ethics, philosophy, science, energy, land management, etc. They concentrate a large number of researchers, inventors and visionary people currently being isolated, without support and with great potentials that are solely guided by the actual good of humanity
Places dedicated to educational tourism (they will create quality entertainment, learning and experience of creativity for clients of all ages: families, individuals, small, medium & large companies, schools, universities, consultants, public figures and groups of special Interest)
Places dedicated to scientific tourism-
Places dedicated to ecological, equitable, Social & Fair, agricultural, wellness & healing tourism-
Places dedicated to business tourism (for meetings, fairs, exhibitions and summits where subtlety of mind and intelligence of the heart mingle)
Places dedicated to the exchange and the establishment, in a participatory way, of agreements and projects on how to ethically and sustainably manage world affairsThe Not-for-profit organization "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" is the brain of the program.
- I conceptualize & design societal & environmental projects (innovative and transformative) at a regional, national & cross-national level
I realize the technical specifications & develop the main solutions.
I look for contributing municipalities whose return on investments would be co-ownership of infrastructures, influence & commercial profits. These contributions would be part of their investment expenditure. Operational agreements would be established between the think-tank & municipalities. These then form Cross Municipalities Syndicates or Economic Interest Groupings (G.I.E.) in order to pool the investment.
I design, organize & plan:
- crossnational artistic cooperation events to convey the essence of the projects
- crossnational intellectual cooperation events to develop technical solutions according to the technical specifications

Sous-programme LE PAPILLON SOURCE / LE PAPILLON SOURCE sub-program:http://www.el4dev.com/papillon/
EL4DEV - The Age of Collaboration
The Grand White Paper of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV, a new Intellectual Start-up and Social Innovation Lab with international action and concrete action plans.
A 117-page book, 100% FREE to view and/or download online (no forms, no email request).
A Mechanism of National Cohesion for a Profound Transformation of Individuals, Communes/Municipalities, and Nations.
Fundamental Principles of a Concrete Solution to Societal Challenges.
#thinktank #startup #solution #idea #laboratory #change #society #peace #international #development #transformation #project #plan
"Welcome to a fascinating journey through the revolutionary initiatives of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV. This book, a compilation of information sheets, aims to be an instructive and indispensable guide for anyone wishing to understand and participate in the profound transformation of our world. Through social and environmental innovation, we invite you to discover how we can, together, reshape our societies for a better future."
Book in HTML format for viewing online
http://www.el4dev.com/Age-of-CollaborationGoogle Drive link (to view online in PDF format)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HnGsPvepGmd7hmPNtlj2UdWynl5706TK/viewEL4DEV PDF platform (to download in PDF format)
http://el4dev.info/pdf/el4dev_the_age_of_collaboration/viewOther links (to view online and download in PDF format)
https://www.fichier-pdf.fr/2024/07/03/el4dev---the-age-of-collaboration/https://www.document-pdf.fr/2024/07/03/el4dev---the-age-of-collaboration/Find more information
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http://action-plan.el4dev.org/Paul%20Elvere%20DELSART's%20action%20plan.htmhttp://projects.el4dev.net/Paul%20Elvere%20DELSART's%20projects.htmLive-Action Role Playing Game (LARP) in Alternate Reality: Green Empire of the East and the West
http://establish-empire.el4dev.info/Establish-Green-Empire-East-West.htmhttp://larp.el4dev.net/LARP%20-%20Green%20Empire%20East%20and%20West.htmhttp://www.eng.el4dev.org/Press kits, White papers and Press review
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Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART
Founder, chief engineer and director of the participatory and socio-political multidisciplinary engineering program "EL4DEV"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the sub-program of interconnected tourist towns and agro-climatic eco-landscape structures "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the decentralized inter-municipal cooperation sub-program "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"
Founder and chief engineer of vertical eco-landscaped structures that generate humidity and microclimates called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS"
Founder of the concept of "SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY"
Founder of the “Second Renaissance movement EL4DEV”
Designer of the EL4DEV Information System and the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool
Founder and president of the French non-profit organization named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" (Think tank)
Designer of the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
Publisher of literary works based on the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
E-mail 1:
e.delsart.consultant@gmail.comE-mail 2: